In life, there will always be moments when we have to make hard decisions. And no matter who you are, you will not be excused from this. It is a necessary rite of passage. Sometimes, this decision will mean that we stand alone and it is worse when we are not absolutely sure that we are on track (a common experience with mortals).
But the thing is, time is the greatest judge. It determines the veracity of the actions we take today. And it is the ultimate vindicator of the actions of men.
So stay firm on whatever you believe and refuse to be cowed.
Just so you know, in the big picture sense of things....people don’t regret so much for the wrong decisions they made yesterday as much as they do for the decisions they never made. One weighs ounces while the other weighs pounds.
If you are convicted about your truth, allow time to do its work of levelling things out. Like they say, water will always find its level, maybe slowly but surely.
So here is what to tell your observers (and critics also), “whether am wrong or right, i don’t know...but time will tell”.
On point!
Posted by: Elgreat | 10/14/2017 at 03:22 AM